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Raye Slain-Prada

Hey everyone! I'm Raye, and welcome to my blog!!


When I first joined Second Life, I didn't expect to ever blog, or more like I didn't know about it at all. And I got to knew about it, explore it, after spending some time, and making new friends, and here I am.


My first thought for blogging, would be for home decor and then fashion. I have started decorating and photography in April 2020. As the decorating and photography took a different turn on my Second Life, I decided to test my potentiality on these, as SL is a huge platform for learning new things, it rather be constructive or creative.


I adore decorating, and photography. Also I love to wear new outfits and I think every place/sim as my ramp. You gotta love the look, if you want to be in the trend. And hence, my blog is about Home Decor & Fashion.


I am looking forward for collaborations in the future once, I have some experience in it. Other than decorating or photography, I also love to Dj, and Race.


I am looking forward to work with different platforms in Second Life, to test potentiality and explore more.


Thank you for visiting my profile!

Have a blessed day!

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